Friday, January 25, 2013

Reinvigorating the Federal Pardon Process: What the President Can Learn from the States | ACS

Margaret Colgate Love
Publication Date: 
January 24, 2013
ACS is pleased to distribute “Reinvigorating the Federal Pardon Process: What the President Can Learn from the States” by Margaret Colgate Love of the Law Office of Margaret Love and formerly of the Office of the U.S. Pardon Attorney.
The presidential exercise of the pardon power, or lack thereof, has been the subject of national conversation in recent months.  As Margaret Colgate Love describes in her Issue Brief, this much discussed, but not often used, executive power and process "has lost its vigor, its integrity, and its sense of purpose.”  The latest assessments of the federal pardon process suggest a process plagued by racial and class disparities, and in at least one case, misconduct on the part of the Pardon Attorney.

Reinvigorating the Federal Pardon Process: What the President Can Learn from the States | ACS

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you so I started another blog
