Thursday, December 23, 2021



John Knock and Paul Free - Two nonviolent people who were sentenced to Life for Pot.  They are among the fortunate few who received clemency - Paul from Obama and John from Trump.  

Life For Pot, The Beth Curtis Interview: Part One

Beth Curtis started Life For Pot, a foundation to grant clemency to those incarcerated for non-violent cannabis charges. Her story is one about love and justice. Her brother, John Knock was convicted to a life sentence in which Beth spent decades trying to free him of injustice and was successful after John had spent nearly 25 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

Beth Curtis, Peter Maguire, Paul Free (who also faced life in prison until his release thanks to Beth) and Rob have a long conversation about the history of the war on drugs and how hypocritical the marijuana industry became in only a matter of decades. Beth is a hero and has saved the lives of so many innocent prisoners and her story is nothing short of incredible.

Interview with Signal Fire Radio

Friday, December 10, 2021



 It's time to end the war on              marijuana.



Not to kick a dead horse but we need to be honest.  We're talking about commutations.  We need to be honest about the data.  

During the first five years of the Obama administration the population of the Federal Prisons increased by 19,000.  During his first five years he granted 1 commutation.  

At the end of the Obama administration he had granted 1,715 commutations.  He denied 18,749 petitions for commutations, and left 11,355 petitions for the next administration.  

During the first 4 years of the Trump administration he granted 94 commutations and denied 98.  There were 65 commutations granted to drug offenders.  The federal prison population decreased by over 35,000

Where is President Biden's compassion and mercy?  He could easily start granting commutations to all those who are presently living productive lives on home confinement with the threat of a return to federal prison hanging over their heads.

Another category would be all those incarcerated for marijuana.  These sentences are egregious while the marijuana industry is thriving by producing and distributing the same product.  

The criminal justice system and the cannabis industry will have no integrity as  long as these people are caged behind bars.