John Knock and Paul Free - Two nonviolent people who were sentenced to Life for Pot. They are among the fortunate few who received clemency - Paul from Obama and John from Trump.
Life For Pot, The Beth Curtis Interview: Part One
Beth Curtis started Life For Pot, a foundation to grant clemency to those incarcerated for non-violent cannabis charges. Her story is one about love and justice. Her brother, John Knock was convicted to a life sentence in which Beth spent decades trying to free him of injustice and was successful after John had spent nearly 25 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.
Beth Curtis, Peter Maguire, Paul Free (who also faced life in prison until his release thanks to Beth) and Rob have a long conversation about the history of the war on drugs and how hypocritical the marijuana industry became in only a matter of decades. Beth is a hero and has saved the lives of so many innocent prisoners and her story is nothing short of incredible.