Friday, June 19, 2020


This year some people with life sentences for marijuana (cannabis) have received sentencing relief.  This relief has been from clemency, compassionate release, home confinement and death.

Their names are: 
Paul Free                    - delayed clemency
Calvin Robinson        - compassionate release
Claude Duboc            - compassionate release
Kenny Kubinski        - compassionate release
Leopolda Hernandez - death
Craig Cesal                - home confinement
Antonio Bascara        - out lived his 40 sentence                                         in his 80s

There will be no integrity in the criminal justice system or the cannabis industry as long as there are nonviolent people serving these egregious sentences in federal prison. 

There are many more who need clemency.  They are:
John Knock
Michael Pelletier
Andy Cox
Ferrell Scott
Ismael Lira
Corvain Cooper
Hector Mc Gurk
Pedro Moreno
Way Quoe Long   50 year sentence

Craig Cesal           Craig has been released to
                                home confinement, but still
                                needs clemency to remove
                                his sentence.